Sunday, December 21, 2008

There are only about 10 foods I can tolerate right now

If this is all the more morning sickness I get, then I *guess* I'll take it. I would rather have food aversions than be vomiting, right? Although, there were a couple moments during church this morning that were a little touch and go, and I really thought I was going to puke. I'm sure the bell choir director would have really loved me then. ;) And I was sitting by her, so who knows how that would have gone. Ha.

And I cannot watch the news. Especially all the footage about Caylee Anthony. It makes me want to bawl. How could you? How could you hurt such a beautiful little girl? How could you hurt your own child? (You can tell my presumptions on who did it, eh?) Like Luke said, there are so many people who want a child and can't have one. Why not relinquish your rights rather than kill your child? And that's all I can say about that, because I'm welling up right now.

Tomorrow is my last beta. Then we set our appointment for the ultrasound. With the holidays, its hard to say when I'll be able to get in, because they are closed for the better portion of the next two weeks. Not to mention the fact that Luke HAS to go with me on this appointment, so what will we do with Zane? Obviously we have family, but that goes back to the whole not wanting to tell them yet. Actually *whispers* I'm really hoping they'll work us in on Tuesday (23rd). Because then I won't have to wait. We still aren't telling at that point, even though I would love to tell my parents on Christmas Eve. But I just want this waiting to be over so that I can stop worrying quite as much. Of course, will I really stop worrying? Ha!

My husband and I have a date this afternoon. Just going to a movie, but still. We don't really do anything special anymore, so I'm excited. This will be the second movie we've gone to this month actually. Luke's really been very sweet to me since we found out. I told him that things would be different this time around, and me being pregnant won't be the awful thing it was the first time around. We're a lot older than he and Regina were then. We're adults with jobs and money. We're married. We actually love (and even like) each other. And I'm not heinous. hehehe Sorry. Okay, off to my date.

1 comment:

  1. No, you will never stop worrying. There are all these things you say to yourself. "Oh, after I see the heartbeat." "Oh, after I get through the first trimester." "Oh, after she's in my arms and I can see her to know she's all right." "Oh, after she gets through the first 4 months and the risk of SIDS drops by half." "Oh, after she turns a year old and the risk of SIDS is essentially gone." "Oh, after she's..." It just never ends. Ever. It's new worries. New fears.

    But, oh...the joy. You are already feeling it. And it will continue to astound and amaze you. And I am just so damn happy for you.

    And are you sick of me being all experienced mama and telling you how it was with me and my pregnancies? Because I will totally stop, lol. :-)
