Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I feel pregnant

Today I finally feel like I'm pregnant. If that makes any sense at all.

I've hit that stage where if you didn't know me you would be like, "Is she pregnant, or is she just a little chunky?" :) I'm going to have to pull out the rubber band for one of my two pairs of jeans. Luckily I have two pair of dress pants for work that were a little loose around the waist before, so they fit me perfectly right now. I'm just about done needing a belt for any pants.

But it's a different kind of feeling than before when I've just gained weight. I always gain my weight around my midsection (thanks PCOS!) but this feels different. I think my center of gravity is shifting or something, because I'm like very aware of my stomach being bigger. I don't really know how to describe it. It's like this heavy full feeling, but not full like I ate a big meal. Anyways, today I felt pregnant, and it was awesome!

Luke was awesome and got me a root beer to go with my meal from DQ tonight. I told him not to get me a drink (being healthy and all that jazz) but he got me one anyways. Mmmm, I do love root beer these days.

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