Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ultrasound #1

Finally getting around to updating this.

We went to my doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Everything was perfect. Dr. T kept saying that over and over, that everything was perfect. Baby was measuring at 6 weeks, 4 days, which is exactly what he is. The heartbeat was 130, which I guess is just right for how far along I am. And there was only one. Thank you Jesus!

(A friend of mine at work keeps saying that Baby 2 was just hiding behind him, and the heartbeats were synchronized so we can't tell that there's two yet. So not funny.)

I have to go back on the 14th for one more ultrasound in Wichita, and then I'm free to go on to a OB here in town. I really need to get an appointment set up, but I cannot decide who I want. My goal is to have that done by Wednesday this week.

I think we're going to go ahead and tell Zane Friday evening, then tell both of our families over the weekend. I'm excited to see my mom's reaction!


  1. 130 is in the boy range of the old wives' tale, I believe. Mark it. I call it a boy!!!!


    I can't wait to hear the reactions!

  2. Has it really sunk in yet? =)
