Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I knew it had been a while since I had updated, but didn't realize that it had been over a month. :(

Lots of definite baby movements now. Less fluttetring, more jabbing and kicking. I'm starting to feel more of the movements higher up, more around my belly button and a little above. She's such a stinker- she'll move a bunch at night, so I'll have Luke put his hand on my stomach, then she won't do anything. Silly girl. You can feel most of the movements when you put your hand on my stomach, it's just a matter of catching her at the right time. She really starts up around 9:00 each evening. Coincidentally, so does my heartburn. Ugh. That started up a few weeks back, and I'm wanting to know if I seriously have to do this for the next 16 weeks?! Peanut butter, one of the greatest loves of my life, is a serious offender right now. Zane and I went to get sno cones last week and I had horrendous heartburn within 15 minutes. It's sugar and water! Really?!

With the much warmer weather last week I had some definite foot swelling. Friday evening it was a straight line from my ankles to my foot. Ew. With the slightly cooler weather this week I haven't had any problems. Just wait until we hit the middle of August!

My supervisor is talking about the possibility of me being able to come back to work a week or so early and get a lot of my home visits out of the way then. They would then just tack that extra time worked onto my maternity leave. What a relief that would be, because I'm so worried about getting all my home visits done and meeting all of my parents before I have the baby. And it would drag out the paid portion of my maternity leave a lot more. I'm still trying to decide what I want to do about that. I'm leaning more towards 8 weeks now, but we also have to look at what we can afford. I guess we could always set aside some of the money I make from summer school to offset the smaller paycheck in October.

Sex check is tomorrow! Please be good baby and let us see what you are for sure. I've been using our girl name (and no, we aren't telling ahead of time!) for the last 6 weeks now, so hopefully that's what you really are. Although muffled it wouldn't sound that far off from our boy name, so she/he won't be too confused. :)

I wonder if I can backdate posts, because I'd like to go back and fill in things I've written down over the last month. And add in my first sono pictures. I have got to do a better job of this once she's actually out!

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