Saturday, January 31, 2009

11 weeks today!

Lots to catch up on. I hope I'm better at the actual baby book than I am at this pregnancy journal. :)

I had my first appointment with my OB-GYN here in town on Friday. I love Dr. Knox. Love him. He's very kind, and a little cheesy, and I feel completely comfortable with him. Luke says I just like him because he said that it looks like I'm not going to have any problems with gaining too much weight because I'm healthy and fit now. Ha. He got out his Doppler and said if everything was positioned right I might be able to hear the heartbeat. (Luke had elected to leave the room while I was getting a culture swabbed.) It took Dr. Knox a little while to find him, but I could definitely hear a very faint little heartbeat. Obviously it wasn't nearly as clear as my ultrasound in Wichita, but you could hear it for what it was. Very cool.

Baby is still measuring exactly what he should be, and my due date is set for August 22. The ultrasound picture is really cool, because now you can tell that its a baby and not just a blob. There's a very definite difference between the head and body, and his stomach is huge. I kept asking people at work if they wanted to see my fat baby picture. :)

2 more weeks until I'm done with the first trimester. Yay! I'm feeling much better now, and have been since the middle of last week. There are a few smells and foods that make me feel sick, but not nearly as much as before. I'm eating much better. Red meat isn't the devil anymore, and I can eat peanut butter without gagging. (I missed peanut butter...) So far I've only gained 2.5 pounds, which is about right, seeing as I should only gain 3-4 first trimester. I have to say that I hate the scale at Dr. Knox's though. It's about 5 pounds more than the one at work, but since that's the one I've been weighing myself on from the beginning, I'm going to consider *that* one to be my true weight. And it says I've only gone up 2.5, so that works for me.

My next appointment is on March 9th. We'll do a sonogram then, and if Pablo will cooperate, we may be able to tell if he really is a he. I'll be 16 weeks by that point, so we should be able to tell if he's positioned right. Dr. Knox said that the technician will say it's a boy if it's obvious that it is, and if she doesn't see any boy parts she'll say she's not sure and I'll come back at 22 weeks for another one. He also said that if I do have to come back at 22 weeks, they'll sneak me in and won't even bill me for that ultrasound. Good thing, because those babies aren't cheap. I'm still waiting on my bill from Wichita, by the way. Ugh. Luke thinks it will show up the same time his bill from all of his dental work shows up. That would figure.

I'll have to post pictures sometime soon. My scanner is still a piece, so I can't get my ultrasound piccies uploaded. I do have a couple belly shots, and you can see a definite bump beginning. I figure I should start looking pregnant here pretty soon. I've always carried all my weight around my middle, and the baby's starting to push all that up higher. I'll probably be using a rubber band on my pants here within the next couple weeks. I already have a pair of jeans that are okay until I eat, then not so great.

Oh, and I must stop myself from buying anymore baby clothes until I know if this baby is a boy or girl. Today we bought this two pack of onesies that say "Daddy's Little (picture of the sun)" and "Mommy's Shining (picture of a star)". Both white, one with light green trim, the other yellow. Totally gender neutral. A couple weeks ago I bought a sleep and play that's light green with frogs and dragonflies on it. And now I stop. Because if it does turn out to be a girl, there will be a lot of pink. So I have to wait. Five more weeks. You better behave yourself and be in a good position Pablo. Got it?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ultrasound #1

Finally getting around to updating this.

We went to my doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Everything was perfect. Dr. T kept saying that over and over, that everything was perfect. Baby was measuring at 6 weeks, 4 days, which is exactly what he is. The heartbeat was 130, which I guess is just right for how far along I am. And there was only one. Thank you Jesus!

(A friend of mine at work keeps saying that Baby 2 was just hiding behind him, and the heartbeats were synchronized so we can't tell that there's two yet. So not funny.)

I have to go back on the 14th for one more ultrasound in Wichita, and then I'm free to go on to a OB here in town. I really need to get an appointment set up, but I cannot decide who I want. My goal is to have that done by Wednesday this week.

I think we're going to go ahead and tell Zane Friday evening, then tell both of our families over the weekend. I'm excited to see my mom's reaction!