Friday, July 31, 2009

Long overdue update

My God, I didn't realize it had been almost three months since I had updated this thing. I mean, I knew it had been a while, but good grief. So much for documenting my first pregnancy.

Three weeks to go. Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly of lately.

The Good: Almost done! The end.

Haha, no I kid. There's more good to it than that. Last weekend we got the nursery finished. Well, almost. Sunday we're going to hang the letters for her name and put up this really cool press on wall decor thing that I found at Hobby Lobby. THEN it will be finished. Of course, we're hanging the letters, then taking them down once the nails are in the wall so that someone with the initials of ZANE doesn't see the baby's name and tell everyone what it is. :) I shall post pictures when all of the decor is up and the stroller and bassinet are out of there. We ended up painting the walls a really nice greeen, to go with the green in the quilt. I really thought I would be a pink, pink, pink person. Well, her clothing is pretty heavy on the pink, but all of the pink paint we looked at was a bit too "bubblegum" for our tastes. The quilt has a couple different pinks and some green and brown and cream in it, so the walls make the room not too pink and bring out the green in the quilt nicely. We just took the window valance to Lowe's and had them do their color match thing, which was pretty dang accurate. I was pleasantly surprised.

Lots of baby movements. The other day I was sitting on the couch and gave my stomach a random pat. Totally startled the crap out of Baby Girl, because she pretty much jumped in there (as best as she can, that is). Pretty funny. Lots of hiccups this week too. And sometimes you can see what looks like a knee or elbow or something sweep across my stomach. It is just so cool, I can't even describe it.

Luke has been super sweet and helpful the last month or two. Tonight he pushed in the coffee table and got me pillows and wet washclothes so I could put my feet up to maybe get the swelling down some. It did nothing for the swelling, but it was very sweet of him I thought. Last night he was poking my swollen feet because if you press on them, they stay indented for a little while. Gross. He was having way too much fun with it, I thought. :)

The Bad: I have the Heartburn from Hell. Some advice that I have for all women out there: do not schedule a dentist appointment for three weeks before you are due. Because laying back in the chair was hell. I've had so much heartburn and acid lately that I was coughing the whole way through as a way to try to keep it all down. It. Was. Miserable.

Apparently she hasn't dropped yet, but there are days her head floats down into my pelvis, and dear God, I just want to curl up and die. It frakkin' hurts! Earlier this week it was raining and I thought when I left the bank that I could do a little bit of a job to my car. Not with her head ramming into my pelvis I sure couldn't. *shudders*

Sleeping is no longer enjoyable, and honestly, if I could make it the next three weeks without sleeping, I would. I put a pillow between my legs. I prop myself up. I wait until I super tired to go to bed. And I still toss and turn all night. And I'm so freakin' fat that if I lay on one side too long the arm I'm laying on gets numb. I can't just flip over either, because of all the pelvic pain. I have to either sit all the way up then turn to the other side, or get on my hands and knees to flip over. It's seriously a one to two minute ordeal.

And, The Ugly:

Some protein in my urine at my appointment on Wednesday. That, along with my perma-swollen ankles and calves and hands, and the unexpected FIVE POUND IN A WEEK WEIGHT GAIN has me worried. Those are all signs of toxemia/preeclampsia. Which I am at an increased risk for because of all of my fertility problems, and because I'm borderline GD. So I'm kind of stressing about my appointment next Wednesday. If my blood pressure goes up (which it hasn't yet, so there is hope) and I still have all those other symptoms, or the protein in my urine increases, that's the end of this pregnancy. I just do not want to be induced. Of course, I want a healthy baby more than anything, but oh I do not want an induction. That's always been one of my top things about labor and delivery - no induction. I don't want forceps, I don't want an episiotomy, I don't want all of that crap. I took that class in college you know. If you induce, the odds that you need everything else is so much greater.

But more than anything I want Baby Girl to be okay. So. If it comes down to it, I'll deal with an induction. In the meantime, I'm doing a lot of praying. And putting my feet up and trying to avoid salt. I also read somewhere that there *might* be a link between not getting enough Vitamin C and preeclampsia. So I have oranges and grapefruit in my fridge that I will be eating every day between now and next week. It at least makes me feel like I'm trying.