Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ultrasound pictures! 23w5d

Oooh, twice in one day. Thought I would go ahead and get these up while I have a minute.

Definitely a girl!

Doesn't she look like she's smiling?

Her legs looks really long! What's up with that?! We all know I certainly don't have long legs.

I think this one is my favorite! It's so cool to think she's playing in there.
Finally got Luke to feel the baby kick. Thursday evening she was moving around in there, so I put his hand on my stomach. Of course she stops, but since we were watching tv he just left his hand there and waited. She moved, and I asked if he had felt that, and he said yeah, but he wasn't going to say anything because he wasn't sure if that's what it was.

And then yesterday he got to see her moving. First time that I've been able to see the movement on my stomach, like a quick ripple. It's pretty cool.

24 weeks now. I can't believe I'm almost done with my second trimester already. It feels like it's starting to race by. We need to get started on the nursery and look at child care for when I go back to work. Which scares the crap out of me. We've had just enough bad experiences with home child care for Zane that I'm really nervouse about leaving her somewhere.